Even more proof of voter fraud. Is any election real?

I am beginning to think that all elections are fixed. Unless a republican wins in a blowout, they will never win. Any close election will be lost due to fraud. The next thing that you will see is the manchurian-libertarian candidate. That is what happened in the Virginia governors race, when a third party (ostensibly…

Should Obama be Impeached?

1. Gives government money to political contributors. 2. Bows to foreign leaders. 3. Dubious citizenship. 4. School records hidden. 5. Associates with known radicals. 6. Family and friends consist of known Marxists, communists, and racists. 7. Consistently disregards The Constitution. 8. Has numerous family members living in US illegally. 9. Divulges military and intelligence secrets…

Voter Fraud

Growing up in Eastern Kentucky, I saw many things during elections. Vote buying with cash and alcohol was very commonplace. My parents were always active in politics on a local level, campaigning for candidates, helping transport voters to the poles, and working as an election officer. This put me in position to see a lot…

Why Raising the Minimum Wage is Stupid

So Obama, Reid, and the rest of the usual suspects now are going to make it a priority to raise the minimum wage. Think about this a minute. Let’s say the minimum wage is seven dollars an hour. The economy stabilizes around this amount. Suppliers, manufactures, and service providers all adjust their business model to…